Indy & Henry


These two have such a wild, beautiful story.

Henry was hitchhiking through New Zealand, met Indy in a dirty night club and they ended up hitting it off. He then used his last five dollars (all the money to his name) to buy her a cup of coffee on their first real date.

They dated long distance for years, swamped with visa paperwork. Last September, barefoot and holding hands, they got married in the living room of Henry’s family home surrounded by five family members with Indy’s parents on Skype — the best part? Henry’s grandmother was their witness. It doesn’t get more real than this.

I asked them to model for one of my mentorships in my sunroom in February — my vision was a minimal couples session wearing all white. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if they’d go for it. But they did and we made magic not only because they fulfilled my vision so effortlessly, they themselves are effortlessly in love, it was beautiful to watch.

If you know me, you know I’m a fan of stripping away my surroundings to really focus in on my subjects and this was a great example of that — turned out to be one of my favorites to date and I hope you enjoy.
